The apostle shares a description of the coming judgment of the world. Let's break down 1 Thessalonians 5:2 so we can better understand what Paul is trying to communicate to his readers. What Does 'Like a Thief in the Night' Mean About God's Return? We need reminders that God is real, at work, and desires us to passionately follow after him. It is so very easy to lose focus in our Christian walk. His message which cautioned believers to “not sleep, but keep watch” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:6) was relevant to those who he was personally writing to and is still relevant to our lives today.

Paul, one of the most prolific writers of the New Testament, urges Christians to persevere in their faith. The message Jesus leaves us is that we have to be careful not to let the cares of this world keep us from being people who “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness” ( Matthew 6:33). He wants his people to remain vigilant so we are ready for the day that we meet Jesus face to face.

Jesus tells his followers to be alert because the moment of his return will catch those who aren’t paying attention by surprise ( Matthew 25:1-13).

Coming like a thief in the night brent faiyaz full#
This season of time is both spoken of in a warning and even urgent tone but also it is looked forward to as with God’s judgment we can also look forward to the full restoration of his creation. The Bible talks of a “second coming” of Jesus that will usher in a final judgment of the Earth and its inhabitants. He is talking about the need for Christians to be in tune with what God is doing so we are not caught by surprise when Jesus returns. The term “ thief in the night” comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:2 which says, “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” Paul is the writer of this New Testament book of the Bible.